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Cancer Management andResearch IF=3.702(肿瘤预防与综合治疗研究)
Openaccess journal focusing on cancer research and the optimal use of preventativeand integrated treatment interventions to achieve improved outcomes, enhancedsurvival and quality of life for the cancer patient.
Clinical Epidemiology IF=3.799(流行病学)
focuseson the application of epidemiological principles and questions relating topatients and clinical care in terms of prevention, diagnosis, prognosis, andtreatment.
Clinical Interventionsin Aging IF=2.505(老年医学)
focusingon evidence-based reports on the value or lack thereof of treatments intendedto prevent or delay the onset of maladaptive correlates of aging in humanbeings. Research topics include Alzheimer's disease, Dementia, Osteoporosis,Geriatrics.
Diabetes, MetabolicSyndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy IF=2.961(糖尿病、代谢综合征以及肥胖,临床与基础均可)
Thejournal is committed to the rapid publication of the latest laboratory andclinical findings in the fields of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesityresearch.  Original research, review,case reports, hypothesis formation, expert opinion and commentaries are allconsidered for publication.
Drug Design, Developmentand Therapy IF=2.935(药学)
Thejournal is characterized by the rapid reporting of application notes, reviews,original research and clinical studies in all therapeutic areas. Clinical outcomes,patient safety, and programs for the development and effective, safe, andsustained use of medicines will be a feature of the journal.
Infection and DrugResistance IF=3.443(感染与药学)
thatfocuses on the optimal treatment of infection (bacterial, fungal and viral) andthe development and institution of preventative strategies to minimize thedevelopment and spread of resistance.
International Journal ofChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease IF=2.917(COPD)
Aninternational, peer-reviewed journal of therapeutics and pharmacology focusingon concise rapid reporting of clinical studies and reviews in COPD. Specialfocus will be given to the pathophysiological processes underlying the disease,intervention programs, patient focused education, and self management protocols.This journal is directed at specialists and healthcare professionals.
International Journal ofNanomedicine IF= 4.370(纳米医学)
Aninternational, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the application ofnanotechnology in diagnostics, therapeutics, and drug delivery systemsthroughout the biomedical field. Reflecting the growing activity in thisemerging specialty, the aim of this journal is to highlight research anddevelopment leading to potential clinical applications in the prevention andtreatment of disease.
Journal of Pain Research IF=2.645 (疼痛相关,临床与基础均可)
welcomeslaboratory and clinical findings in the fields of pain research and theprevention and management of pain. Original research, reviews, symposiumreports, hypothesis formation and commentaries are all considered for publication.
Neuropsychiatric Diseaseand Treatment IF= 2.195(神经、精神和神经疾病)
Aninternational, peer-reviewed journal of clinical therapeutics and pharmacologyfocusing on concise rapid reporting of clinical or pre-clinical studies on arange of neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders.
OncoTargets and Therapy IF=2.656(肿瘤靶向治疗)
Aninternational, peer-reviewed journal focusing on the pathological basis of allcancers, potential targets for therapy and treatment protocols employed toimprove the management of cancer patients. The journal also focuses on theimpact of management programs and new therapeutic agents and protocols onpatient perspectives such as quality of life, adherence and satisfaction. Thisjournal explores the evidence behind new and existing therapies in terms of improvingoutcomes and, importantly, will seek to define their usage in terms of ultimateuptake and acceptance by the patient and health care professional.
Therapeutics andClinical Risk Management  IF=1.995(临床风险研究)
Aninternational, peer-reviewed open access journal of clinical therapeutics andrisk management, focusing on concise rapid reporting of clinical studies in alltherapeutic areas, outcomes, safety, and programs for the effective, safe, andsustained use of medicines.
Psychology Research andBehavior Management IF=1.952(心理与行为研究)
Aninternational, peer-reviewed, open access journal focusing on the science ofpsychology and its application in behavior management to develop improvedoutcomes in the clinical, educational, sports and business arenas.
Patient Preference and Adherence IF=1.733(患者依从性研究)
Aninternational, peer reviewed, open access journal that focuses on the growingimportance of patient preference and adherence throughout the therapeuticcontinuum. The journal is characterized by the rapid reporting of reviews,original research, modeling and clinical studies across all therapeutic areas.Patient satisfaction, acceptability, quality of life, compliance, persistenceand their role in developing new therapeutic modalities and compounds tooptimize clinical outcomes for existing disease states are major areas ofinterest for the journal.
